Posts tagged meditate
Try These Practices for Some Quick Relief.

I've been speaking about relief, the theme of this week's FREE group meditation and healing, and how my practices have become a big source of it for me over the years. That said, when I was in the early days of grief a few months ago, I was totally unable to sit down for my regular meditation and healing practices. My consistent twice-a-day practice went out the window in a matter of minutes.

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My Secret to Self-Care When I Feel 😵‍💫

Warning: I am on a self-kindness kick these days! Last week I shared the meditation concept of "tend and befriend" where we turn towards ourselves to offer the nurturing we need and even go so far as to befriend ourselves (even those messy, icky parts we like to hide or stuff down). It's so simple and yet so radical in our times, with all of its pressures and anxieties. Working harder, pushing more, and striving further are often celebrated no matter the expense to our wellbeing. What if kindness was valued as much as achievement? Health and wellbeing valued as much as status? A girl can dream.

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Becoming a Better Friend. To Yourself.

I wanted to share a theme that's been coming up for me this week that's captured by this quote from American nun Pema Chodron,

"Meditation practice isn't about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It's about befriending who we are already."
It reminds me of a saying an early meditation teacher of mine said during class, that during our practice we work to "tend and befriend". It's simple, but profound, and has always stuck with me.

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