Life is Complicated. Meditation Doesn't Have to Be.

In prepping for a corporate intro to mindfulness event today (shared about it via my stories on IG, it was a good one 😍), I was reminded of how helpful it is to go back to basics. It's why I love working with meditation newcomers because it always helps me simplify. Life can be so complicated and confusing, but meditation doesn't have to be. And furthermore, I don't think it should be!

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Rachel Lyle
My Prescription for Overwhelm

This morning I sat down to do my daily meditation practice and as I started to get into it, I noticed how busy my mind was. "Wow, I just can't quiet it down," I thought. And then my next thought (lots of thinking you see) was "Wow, I'm so glad I have my practice for times like this." I marveled that my instinct wasn't to beat myself up for not accomplishing some idea of how meditation should be, but rather deep gratitude to have a tool to turn to when my mind, and life, feel overwhelming.

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Rachel Lyle
Here's a Question I Get Asked All the Time

In the podcast episode I spoke on last week, I talk about my experience with therapy. I love therapy and still see my therapist regularly, but years ago I hit a wall while only utilizing this traditional mind-based method. I felt I had so much information about myself, that I could see and identify some habits and patterns that were holding me back, but I couldn't seem to embody those messages. I knew where I wanted to be but I felt blocked, or unable to get myself there. Like my head knew one thing and my body wasn't complying.

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Some Things Don't Need to be Shared

I've been traveling a bit the past month--I went on a magical retreat and then spent some beautiful quality time with my sister and her family who just moved back stateside. There has been so much joy and laughter as well as so much learning and growth for me this summer. And to be honest, I haven't felt much like sharing about it in my usual ways.

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Rachel Lyle
Permission to Go Slow

As we've slowly seen the world and some of our "normal" social opportunities start up again (and with California fully opening up this week), I've had several conversations with friends and clients (and myself) about how it all feels. There is so much joy over the chance to catch up on the hugs, celebrations, and laughter that has been sorely missed over the past 14/15/infinity months. I know my heart has been lit up with all of the chances to gather once again.

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Rachel Lyle
The Magic of Presence

This past weekend, I spent time with some women I met in an online training program earlier this year. Though most of us had yet to meet in person until this weekend, we have all felt so connected since we've met. Like spiritual sisters. 🦄

The weekend felt like magic or the closest thing to magic I have ever experienced. And while we did do some witchy ceremonies and rituals (obvs), upon reflection I realized that a big part of this magical feeling was how present I was for those 72 hours. Fully, deeply, joyfully present with these women and our endless conversations, laughter, and storytelling.

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Rachel Lyle
How Well Do You Know Your Energy?

I've been thinking a lot recently about how we interpret energy. Specifically, the energy in our bodies. I think that, after being diagnosed with anxiety disorder around the age of 14, I grew to blanket all of the energy I felt in my life as anxiety. There wasn't much wiggle room for other options. I was an anxious person and that was the end of that. So I tried to manage the anxious energy, doing my best to find a neutral space where I didn't have to feel the discomfort. You may guess that this led to a world of denial, stuffing, ignoring, etc. And that led to even more uncomfortable energy--whoops!

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How Do Reiki + Mindfulness Work Together?

I found Mindfulness and Reiki healing at separate times in my life, but I fell in love with them in a similar way. As if remembering a forgotten friend, I felt called to share these friends with my community. At first, I wondered how I could work with these seemingly different modalities in the same session, but over time I've come to see they are so complementary. I may even venture to say that they are inherent in each other.

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Do You Have "Bad Vibes"? Time For an Energetic Reset!

You know that feeling when you walk into a room and meet someone new and just feel...bad vibes? There may be little to no reason in your logical mind for that feeling (you don't even know them!) and yet you feel the need to cut and run all the same?

This phenomenon has always been the easiest way for me to describe energy as the basis for my work. We are all made of energy and we are all giving out and picking up energy all day. Some of that feels good (like when we are with a friend who we feel supported by and leave feeling energized) and some of it feels not so good (like being around judgmental/mean/super negative people who you feel drained after seeing). And then, of course, sometimes WE are the judgmental/mean/super negative person with the bad vibes and it doesn't even feel good to be in our own energy!

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Do You Feel "Stuck" in Your Life?

Have you ever felt "stuck" in your life? Like you are being blocked from the place you want to be? I know I have. And so many of my clients come to me with these exact statements. Whether it's the feeling of being stuck in anxiety and negative thinking or the feeling of being stuck in a job or relationship, most of us know something isn't working, but don't know what to do about it. Hence, the block.

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